I&EDC Committee
Internal Quality Assurance Cell:
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell ensures the development of quality parameters for the various academic and administrative activities of the institution.The quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC becomes a part of the institution’s system and works towards realization of the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance.
- The IQAC enhance the quality of students and faculty through constant motivation by providing excellent ambience for learning.
- To adopt innovative methods of teaching learning process and collaborate with industry.
- The IQAC monitors the quality performance of academic and administrative activities.
- The IQAC ensures the maximum utilization of laboratories and ICT resources.
- The IQAC ensures the subject allocation at the beginning of the semester and also the syllabus coverage regularly.
- The IQAC conducts academic audit twice in a year
- The IQAC assesses review of student performance.
- The IQAC ensures the proper implementation of academic calendar.
- The IQAC conducts regular meetings to discuss various measures related to quality enhancement in which the recommendations made by Board of Studies, Academic Council and Governing Body are discussed and analyzed for further improvement.
- The IQAC gives suggestions to feedback analysis committee to review the online and offline feedback received from students.
- The IQAC forwards the appraisals of teaching and non-teaching staff to higher authorities after evaluation made by the head of the institution.
- Attendance registers and teaching diaries are checked by IQAC daily.
- The IQAC ensures the maximum utilization of library facilities both faculty and student community.
- The IQAC ensures the automation and strengthening of Library.
- The IQAC reviews the feedback received from the parent- teacher meetings.
- The IQAC ensures the organizing seminars, conferences and workshops at department level as well as institution level.
- It observes the extension and up gradation of classrooms and laboratories.
- It monitors the better improvements in students’ supporting systems.
- Finally, the IQAC is always forefront for the well-being of the institution in all aspects.