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Most Rev.Dr. GALI BALI

What I am now is what through the grace of God.Most Rev Dr Gali Bali garu was born to Gali Chinnapa Reddy and Thomasamma on April 29, 1939 in a tiny village called Patibandla of Guntur district.

He had his Biblical, Philosophical and Theological studies at different places like Madhurai, Trichi and even at Rome, the capital of Italy.

He obtained a licentiate degree in the Scripture, and a doctorate in Theology at Rome. Later he was ordained to priesthood by Cardinal Augauz on December 19, 1964.

After returning to India, he successfully held the following positions:

  •  From 1969-84 he worked as a theologian, biblical scholar, professor and Rector in St. John’s Regional Seminary, Hyderabad.
  •  From 1972-75 he worked as Co- Director for Amruthavani the Regional Communication Centre.

On October 23, 1984 he was ordained a Bishop of Guntur Diocese, by the late Pope John Paul II. Since then with a firm faith in the motto, Charity, Wisdom and Fortitude, His Lordship has committed his life for the development of Guntur Diocese spiritually, socially and educationally.

Keeping in mind the importance of education, until now His Lordship has opened 70 high schools and a number of boarding homes in the Diocese.

He has established Diocesan Vikas Kendra, a special school for the less-privileged with free education and boarding facility.